Notarial competence

Information on notarial competence.

  1. Last updated on

The Belgian embassies and consulates located in countries outside the European Union are qualified to draw up notarial deeds (f.e. powers of attorney, marriage contracts …) for Belgian nationals registered at the Embassy, as well as foreign nationals when the deeds are related to Belgium. Fees are payable when the notary act is signed at the Embassy.

The notarial deeds drafted in the posts are always drawn up based on a project from a Belgian notary. 

All projects must be sent by your Belgian notary to the centralized mailbox of the Department of Foreign Affairs in Belgium: by e-mail exclusively.

Digital power of attorney

Belgian nationals are able to establish a power of attorny digitally (brochure is available in Dutch or French) to a person residing in Belgium or to an officer of your notary office in Belgium. You have access to the digital power of attorney if you: 

  • are a Belgian and
  • have a valid and activated Belgian eID and
  • know your PIN code and are in possession of a card reader (our Embassy can lend you a card reader)..

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